PathPlanner Docs 2025 Help

Choreo Interop

PathPlannerLib has the ability to follow trajectories generated by Choreo. These can either be followed as a single path, or used in auto routines created in the GUI.

Choreo Autos

No code changes are needed when using Choreo trajectories in auto modes created through the GUI. See Build an Auto for configuration and use of AutoBuilder/PathPlannerAuto.

Load Choreo Trajectory as a PathPlannerPath

Choreo trajectories can be loaded as a PathPlannerPath similarly to how normal paths are created. Instead of using the fromPathFile method, use fromChoreoTrajectory with the name of the Choreo trajectory to load (without directories or the .traj extension).

See Follow a Single Path for how to create a path following command to follow the loaded trajectory.

// Load a full Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath PathPlannerPath exampleChoreoTraj = PathPlannerPath.fromChoreoTrajectory("Example Choreo Traj"); // Load a split Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath, using the split point with index 1 PathPlannerPath exampleChoreoTrajSplit = PathPlannerPath.fromChoreoTrajectory("Example Choreo Traj", 1);
#incluce <pathplanner/lib/path/PathPlannerPath.h> using namespace pathplanner; // Load a full Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath auto exampleChoreoTraj = PathPlannerPath::fromChoreoTrajectory("Example Choreo Traj"); // Load a split Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath, using the split point with index 1 auto exampleChoreoTrajSplit = PathPlannerPath::fromChoreoTrajectory("Example Choreo Traj", 1);
from pathplannerlib.path import PathPlannerPath # Load a full Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath exampleChoreoTraj = PathPlannerPath.fromChoreoTrajectory('Example Choreo Traj') # Load a split Choreo trajectory as a PathPlannerPath, using the split point with index 1 exampleChoreoTrajSplit = PathPlannerPath.fromChoreoTrajectory('Example Choreo Traj', 1)
Last modified: 06 February 2025