public class SwerveSubsystem extends Subsystem {
private final SwerveSetpointGenerator setpointGenerator;
private SwerveSetpoint previousSetpoint;
public SwerveSubsystem() {
// All other subsystem initialization
// ...
// Load the RobotConfig from the GUI settings. You should
// probably store this in your Constants file
RobotConfig config;
config = RobotConfig.fromGUISettings();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle exception as needed
setpointGenerator = new SwerveSetpointGenerator(
config, // The robot configuration. This is the same config used for generating trajectories and running path following commands.
Units.rotationsToRadians(10.0) // The max rotation velocity of a swerve module in radians per second. This should probably be stored in your Constants file
// Initialize the previous setpoint to the robot's current speeds & module states
ChassisSpeeds currentSpeeds = getCurrentSpeeds(); // Method to get current robot-relative chassis speeds
SwerveModuleState[] currentStates = getCurrentModuleStates(); // Method to get the current swerve module states
previousSetpoint = new SwerveSetpoint(currentSpeeds, currentStates, DriveFeedforwards.zeros(config.numModules));
* This method will take in desired robot-relative chassis speeds,
* generate a swerve setpoint, then set the target state for each module
* @param speeds The desired robot-relative speeds
public void driveRobotRelative(ChassisSpeeds speeds) {
// Note: it is important to not discretize speeds before or after
// using the setpoint generator, as it will discretize them for you
previousSetpoint = setpointGenerator.generateSetpoint(
previousSetpoint, // The previous setpoint
speeds, // The desired target speeds
0.02 // The loop time of the robot code, in seconds
setModuleStates(previousSetpoint.moduleStates()); // Method that will drive the robot given target module states
#include <pathplanner/lib/config/RobotConfig.h>
#include <pathplanner/lib/util/swerve/SwerveSetpointGenerator.h>
#include <pathplanner/lib/util/swerve/SwerveSetpoint.h>
#include <frc/geometry/Pose2d.h>
#include <frc/kinematics/ChassisSpeeds.h>
using namespace pathplanner;
// All other subsystem initialization
// ...
// Load the RobotConfig from the GUI settings. You should probably
// store this in your Constants file
RobotConfig config = RobotConfig::fromGUISettings();
setpointGenerator = SwerveSetpointGenerator(
// Initialize the previous setpoint to the robot's current speeds & module states
frc::ChassisSpeeds currentSpeeds = getCurrentSpeeds(); // Method to get current robot-relative chassis speeds
std::vector<frc::SwerveModuleState> currentStates = getCurrentModuleStates(); // Method to get the current swerve module states
previousSetpoint = SwerveSetpoint(currentSpeeds, currentStates, DriveFeedforwards::zeros(config.numModules));
* This method will take in desired robot-relative chassis speeds,
* generate a swerve setpoint, then set the target state for each module
* @param speeds The desired robot-relative speeds
void SwerveSubsystem::driveRobotRelative(frc::ChassisSpeeds speeds) {
// Note: it is important to not discretize speeds before or after
// using the setpoint generator, as it will discretize them for you
previousSetpoint = setpointGenerator.generateSetpoint(
previousSetpoint, // The previous setpoint
speeds, // The desired target speeds
0.02_s // The loop time of the robot code, in seconds
setModuleStates(previousSetpoint.moduleStates()); // Method that will drive the robot given target module states
from pathplannerlib.config import RobotConfig
from pathplannerlib.util import DriveFeedforwards
from pathplannerlib.util.swerve import SwerveSetpoint, SwerveSetpointGenerator
from wpimath.kinematics import ChassisSpeeds
from wpimath.units import rotationsToRadians
class SwerveSubsystem(Subsystem):
def __init__(self):
# All other subsystem initialization
# ...
# Load the RobotConfig from the GUI settings. You should probably
# store this in your Constants file
config = RobotConfig.fromGUISettings()
self.setpointGenerator = SwerveSetpointGenerator(
config, # The robot configuration. This is the same config used for generating trajectories and running path following commands.
rotationsToRadians(10.0) # The max rotation velocity of a swerve module in radians per second. This should probably be stored in your Constants file
# Initialize the previous setpoint to the robot's current speeds & module states
currentSpeeds = self.getCurrentSpeeds() # Method to get current robot-relative chassis speeds
currentStates = self.getCurrentModuleStates() # Method to get the current swerve module states
self.previousSetpoint = SwerveSetpoint(currentSpeeds, currentStates, DriveFeedforwards.zeros(config.numModules))
def driveRobotRelative(self, speeds: ChassisSpeeds):
This method will take in desired robot-relative chassis speeds,
generate a swerve setpoint, then set the target state for each module
:param speeds: The desired robot-relative speeds
# Note: it is important to not discretize speeds before or after
# using the setpoint generator, as it will discretize them for you
self.previousSetpoint = self.setpointGenerator.generateSetpoint(
self.previousSetpoint, # The previous setpoint
speeds, # The desired target speeds
0.02, # The loop time of the robot code, in seconds
self.setModuleStates(self.previousSetpoint.moduleStates) # Method that will drive the robot given target module states