PathPlanner Docs 2025 Help


Event Triggers

Event Triggers are used to bind commands to triggers that are tied to event markers. This not only functions as an alternative to using Named Commands, but allows for more functionality such as:

  • Binding different commands to the start/end of a zoned event

  • Binding a command to only run while the robot is within a zoned event

  • Combine event triggers to run different commands within overlapping zones

  • Combine event triggers with other triggers for different functionality depending on outside factors

public class RobotContainer() { public RobotContainer() { // Subsystem initialization swerve = new Swerve(); exampleSubsystem = new ExampleSubsystem(); new EventTrigger("run intake").whileTrue(Commands.print("running intake")); new EventTrigger("shoot note").and(new Trigger(exampleSubsystem::someCondition)).onTrue(Commands.print("shoot note"); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... } }
#include <pathplanner/lib/events/EventTrigger.h> using namespace pathplanner; RobotContainer::RobotContainer() : m_swerve(), m_exampleSubsystem() { EventTrigger("run intake").WhileTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("running intake")); EventTrigger("shoot note").And(frc2::Trigger([this]() { return m_exampleSubsystem.someCondition(); })).OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("shoot note"); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... }
from import EventTrigger class RobotContainer: def __init__(self): # Subsystem initialization self.swerve = Swerve() self.exampleSubsystem = ExampleSubsystem() EventTrigger('run intake').whileTrue(cmd.print('running intake')) EventTrigger('shoot note').and(Trigger(self.exampleSubsystem.someCondition)).onTrue(cmd.print('shoot note') # Do all other initialization self.configureButtonBindings() # ...

Point Towards Zone Triggers

Point Towards Zone triggers allow you to bind commands to a trigger controlled by the robot entering or leaving a point towards zone. These triggers use the name of the point towards zone in the GUI to differentiate between zones.

public class RobotContainer() { public RobotContainer() { // Subsystem initialization swerve = new Swerve(); exampleSubsystem = new ExampleSubsystem(); new PointTowardsZoneTrigger("Speaker").whileTrue(Commands.print("aiming at speaker")); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... } }
#include <pathplanner/lib/events/PointTowardsZoneTrigger.h> using namespace pathplanner; RobotContainer::RobotContainer() : m_swerve(), m_exampleSubsystem() { PointTowardsZoneTrigger("Speaker").WhileTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("aiming at speaker")); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... }
from import PointTowardsZoneTrigger class RobotContainer: def __init__(self): # Subsystem initialization self.swerve = Swerve() self.exampleSubsystem = ExampleSubsystem() PointTowardsZoneTrigger('Speaker').whileTrue(cmd.print('aiming at speaker')) # Do all other initialization self.configureButtonBindings() # ...

PathPlannerAuto Triggers

The PathPlannerAuto command includes a variety of methods to create triggers that are polled by the auto they were created with. This means that each trigger will only be polled if its associated auto is actually running. Furthermore, this allows for customization of EventTriggers and PointTowardsZoneTriggers on a per-auto basis.

public class RobotContainer() { public RobotContainer() { // Subsystem initialization swerve = new Swerve(); exampleSubsystem = new ExampleSubsystem(); autoCommand = new PathPlannerAuto("Example Auto"); // PathPlannerAuto can also be created with a custom command // autoCommand = new PathPlannerAuto(new CustomAutoCommand()); // Bind to different auto triggers autoCommand.isRunning().onTrue(Commands.print("Example Auto started")); autoCommand.timeElapsed(5).onTrue(Commands.print("5 seconds passed")); autoCommand.timeRange(6, 8).whileTrue(Commands.print("between 6 and 8 seconds")); autoCommand.event("Example Event Marker").onTrue(Commands.print("passed example event marker")); autoCommand.pointTowardsZone("Speaker").onTrue(Commands.print("aiming at speaker")); autoCommand.activePath("Example Path").onTrue(Commands.print("started following Example Path")); autoCommand.nearFieldPosition(new Translation2d(2, 2), 0.5).whileTrue(Commands.print("within 0.5m of (2, 2)")); autoCommand.inFieldArea(new Translation2d(2, 2), new Translation2d(4, 4)).whileTrue(Commands.print("in area of (2, 2) - (4, 4)")); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... } }
#include <pathplanner/lib/commands/PathPlannerAuto.h> using namespace pathplanner; RobotContainer::RobotContainer() : m_swerve(), m_exampleSubsystem() { m_autoCommand = PathPlannerAuto("Example Auto"); // PathPlannerAuto can also be created with a custom command // m_autoCommand = PathPlannerAuto(CustomAutoCommand()); // Bind to different auto triggers m_autoCommand.isRunning().OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("Example Auto started")); m_autoCommand.timeElapsed(5).OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("5 seconds passed")); m_autoCommand.timeRange(6, 8).WhileTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("between 6 and 8 seconds")); m_autoCommand.event("Example Event Marker").OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("passed example event marker")); m_autoCommand.pointTowardsZone("Speaker").OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("aiming at speaker")); m_autoCommand.activePath("Example Path").OnTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("started following Example Path")); m_autoCommand.nearFieldPosition(Translation2d(2, 2), 0.5).WhileTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("within 0.5m of (2, 2)")); m_autoCommand.inFieldArea(Translation2d(2, 2), Translation2d(4, 4)).WhileTrue(frc2::cmd::Print("in area of (2, 2) - (4, 4)")); // Do all other initialization configureButtonBindings(); // ... }
from import PathPlannerAuto import commands2.cmd as cmd class RobotContainer: def __init__(self): # Subsystem initialization self.swerve = Swerve() self.exampleSubsystem = ExampleSubsystem() self.autoCommand = PathPlannerAuto("Example Auto") // Bind to different auto triggers self.autoCommand.isRunning().onTrue(cmd.print_("Example Auto started")); self.autoCommand.timeElapsed(5).onTrue(cmd.print_("5 seconds passed")); self.autoCommand.timeRange(6, 8).whileTrue(cmd.print_("between 6 and 8 seconds")); self.autoCommand.event("Example Event Marker").onTrue(cmd.print_("passed example event marker")); self.autoCommand.pointTowardsZone("Speaker").onTrue(cmd.print_("aiming at speaker")); self.autoCommand.activePath("Example Path").onTrue(cmd.print_("started following Example Path")); self.autoCommand.nearFieldPosition(Translation2d(2, 2), 0.5).whileTrue(cmd.print_("within 0.5m of (2, 2)")); self.autoCommand.inFieldArea(Translation2d(2, 2), Translation2d(4, 4)).whileTrue(cmd.print_("in area of (2, 2) - (4, 4)")); # Do all other initialization self.configureButtonBindings() # ...
Last modified: 06 February 2025