Package com.pathplanner.lib.commands
Class PathfindingCommand
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Base pathfinding command
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
Constructor Summary
(PathPlannerPath targetPath, PathConstraints constraints, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given path.PathfindingCommand
(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVel, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose.PathfindingCommand
(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, LinearVelocity goalEndVel, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose.PathfindingCommand
(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command
addRequirements, addRequirements, alongWith, andThen, andThen, asProxy, beforeStarting, beforeStarting, cancel, deadlineFor, deadlineWith, finallyDo, finallyDo, getInterruptionBehavior, getName, getRequirements, getSubsystem, handleInterrupt, hasRequirement, ignoringDisable, initSendable, isScheduled, onlyIf, onlyWhile, raceWith, repeatedly, runsWhenDisabled, schedule, setName, setSubsystem, unless, until, withDeadline, withInterruptBehavior, withName, withTimeout, withTimeout
Constructor Details
public PathfindingCommand(PathPlannerPath targetPath, PathConstraints constraints, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given path.- Parameters:
- the path to pathfind toconstraints
- the path constraints to use while pathfindingposeSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current posespeedsSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current robot relative speedsoutput
- Output function that accepts robot-relative ChassisSpeeds and feedforwards for each drive motor. If using swerve, these feedforwards will be in FL, FR, BL, BR order. If using a differential drive, they will be in L, R order.NOTE: These feedforwards are assuming unoptimized module states. When you optimize your module states, you will need to reverse the feedforwards for modules that have been flipped
- Path following controller that will be used to follow the pathrobotConfig
- The robot configurationshouldFlipPath
- Should the target path be flipped to the other side of the field? This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.requirements
- the subsystems required by this command
public PathfindingCommand(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVel, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose.- Parameters:
- the pose to pathfind to, the rotation component is only relevant for holonomic drive trainsconstraints
- the path constraints to use while pathfindinggoalEndVel
- The goal end velocity when reaching the target poseposeSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current posespeedsSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current robot relative speedsoutput
- Output function that accepts robot-relative ChassisSpeeds and feedforwards for each drive motor. If using swerve, these feedforwards will be in FL, FR, BL, BR order. If using a differential drive, they will be in L, R order.NOTE: These feedforwards are assuming unoptimized module states. When you optimize your module states, you will need to reverse the feedforwards for modules that have been flipped
- Path following controller that will be used to follow the pathrobotConfig
- The robot configurationrequirements
- the subsystems required by this command
public PathfindingCommand(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, LinearVelocity goalEndVel, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose.- Parameters:
- the pose to pathfind to, the rotation component is only relevant for holonomic drive trainsconstraints
- the path constraints to use while pathfindinggoalEndVel
- The goal end velocity when reaching the target poseposeSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current posespeedsSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current robot relative speedsoutput
- Output function that accepts robot-relative ChassisSpeeds and feedforwards for each drive motor. If using swerve, these feedforwards will be in FL, FR, BL, BR order. If using a differential drive, they will be in L, R order.NOTE: These feedforwards are assuming unoptimized module states. When you optimize your module states, you will need to reverse the feedforwards for modules that have been flipped
- Path following controller that will be used to follow the pathrobotConfig
- The robot configurationrequirements
- the subsystems required by this command
public PathfindingCommand(Pose2d targetPose, PathConstraints constraints, Supplier<Pose2d> poseSupplier, Supplier<ChassisSpeeds> speedsSupplier, BiConsumer<ChassisSpeeds, DriveFeedforwards> output, PathFollowingController controller, RobotConfig robotConfig, Subsystem... requirements) Constructs a new base pathfinding command that will generate a path towards the given pose.- Parameters:
- the pose to pathfind to, the rotation component is only relevant for holonomic drive trainsconstraints
- the path constraints to use while pathfindingposeSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current posespeedsSupplier
- a supplier for the robot's current robot relative speedsoutput
- Output function that accepts robot-relative ChassisSpeeds and feedforwards for each drive motor. If using swerve, these feedforwards will be in FL, FR, BL, BR order. If using a differential drive, they will be in L, R order.NOTE: These feedforwards are assuming unoptimized module states. When you optimize your module states, you will need to reverse the feedforwards for modules that have been flipped
- Path following controller that will be used to follow the pathrobotConfig
- The robot configurationrequirements
- the subsystems required by this command
Method Details
public void initialize()- Overrides:
in classCommand
public void execute() -
public boolean isFinished()- Overrides:
in classCommand
public void end(boolean interrupted) -
Create a command to warmup the pathfinder and pathfinding command- Returns:
- Pathfinding warmup command