Class RobotConfig


public class RobotConfig extends Object
Configuration class describing everything that needs to be known about the robot to generate trajectories
  • Field Details

    • massKG

      public final double massKG
      The mass of the robot, including bumpers and battery, in KG
    • MOI

      public final double MOI
      The moment of inertia of the robot, in KG*M^2
    • moduleConfig

      public final ModuleConfig moduleConfig
      The drive module config
    • moduleLocations

      public final Translation2d[] moduleLocations
      Robot-relative locations of each drive module in meters
    • isHolonomic

      public final boolean isHolonomic
      Is the robot holonomic?
    • numModules

      public final int numModules
      Number of drive modules
    • modulePivotDistance

      public final double[] modulePivotDistance
      The distance from the robot center to each module in meters
    • wheelFrictionForce

      public final double wheelFrictionForce
      The force of static friction between the robot's drive wheels and the carpet, in Newtons
    • maxTorqueFriction

      public final double maxTorqueFriction
      The maximum torque a drive module can apply without slipping the wheels
  • Constructor Details

    • RobotConfig

      public RobotConfig(double massKG, double MOI, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, Translation2d... moduleOffsets)
      Create a robot config object for a HOLONOMIC DRIVE robot
      massKG - The mass of the robot, including bumpers and battery, in KG
      MOI - The moment of inertia of the robot, in KG*M^2
      moduleConfig - The drive module config
      moduleOffsets - The locations of the module relative to the physical center of the robot. Only robots with 4 modules are supported, and they should be in FL, FR, BL, BR order.
    • RobotConfig

      public RobotConfig(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Mass mass, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.MomentOfInertia MOI, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, Translation2d... moduleOffsets)
      Create a robot config object for a HOLONOMIC DRIVE robot
      mass - The mass of the robot, including bumpers and battery
      MOI - The moment of inertia of the robot
      moduleConfig - The drive module config
      moduleOffsets - The locations of the module relative to the physical center of the robot. Only robots with 4 modules are supported, and they should be in FL, FR, BL, BR order.
    • RobotConfig

      public RobotConfig(double massKG, double MOI, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, double trackwidthMeters)
      Create a robot config object for a DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE robot
      massKG - The mass of the robot, including bumpers and battery, in KG
      MOI - The moment of inertia of the robot, in KG*M^2
      moduleConfig - The drive module config
      trackwidthMeters - The distance between the left and right side of the drivetrain, in meters
    • RobotConfig

      public RobotConfig(edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Mass mass, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.MomentOfInertia MOI, ModuleConfig moduleConfig, edu.wpi.first.units.measure.Distance trackwidthMeters)
      Create a robot config object for a DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE robot
      mass - The mass of the robot, including bumpers and battery
      MOI - The moment of inertia of the robot
      moduleConfig - The drive module config
      trackwidthMeters - The distance between the left and right side of the drivetrain
  • Method Details

    • toSwerveModuleStates

      public SwerveModuleState[] toSwerveModuleStates(ChassisSpeeds speeds)
      Convert robot-relative chassis speeds to an array of swerve module states. This will use differential kinematics for diff drive robots, then convert the wheel speeds to module states.
      speeds - Robot-relative chassis speeds
      Array of swerve module states
    • toChassisSpeeds

      public ChassisSpeeds toChassisSpeeds(SwerveModuleState[] states)
      Convert an array of swerve module states to robot-relative chassis speeds. This will use differential kinematics for diff drive robots.
      states - Array of swerve module states
      Robot-relative chassis speeds
    • chassisForcesToWheelForceVectors

      public Translation2d[] chassisForcesToWheelForceVectors(ChassisSpeeds chassisForces)
      Convert chassis forces (passed as ChassisSpeeds) to individual wheel force vectors
      chassisForces - The linear X/Y force and torque acting on the whole robot
      Array of individual wheel force vectors
    • fromGUISettings

      public static RobotConfig fromGUISettings() throws IOException, org.json.simple.parser.ParseException
      Load the robot config from the shared settings file created by the GUI
      RobotConfig matching the robot settings in the GUI
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      org.json.simple.parser.ParseException - if a JSON parsing error occurs