All Classes and Interfaces
Utility class used to build auto routines
Functional interface for a function that takes 3 inputs
An exception while building autos
Event that will cancel a command within the EventScheduler
Utility class for building commands used in autos
A zone on a path with different kinematic constraints
Collection of different feedforward values for each drive module.
Base class for an event to be handled while path following
Position along the path that will trigger a command when reached
Scheduler for running events while following a trajectory
A trigger that will be controlled by the placement of event markers/zones in a
Exception for a mismatch between expected and actual file versions
Utility class for flipping positions/rotations to the other side of the field
Enum representing the different types of field symmetry
Base command for following a path
Utility class for various geometry functions used during generation
Describes the goal end state of the robot when finishing a path
Describes the ideal starting state of the robot when starting a path
Utility class for creating different objects from JSON
Implementation of AD* running locally in a background thread
Represents a node in the pathfinding grid
Configuration class describing a robot's drive module
Utility class for managing named commands
Event that will activate a trigger, then deactivate it the next loop
Kinematic path following constraints
Interface for a pathfinder that can be used by PPLib's pathfinding commands
Static class for interacting with the chosen pathfinding implementation from the pathfinding
Base pathfinding command
Command group that will pathfind to the start of a path, then follow that path
Interface used by path following controllers
A command that loads and runs an autonomous routine built using PathPlanner.
Utility class for handling custom logging callbacks
A PathPlanner path.
Trajectory generated for a PathPlanner path
A state along the a
A point along a pathplanner path
PID constants used to create PID controllers
A zone on a path that will force the robot to point towards a position on the field
Event for setting the value of a point towards zone trigger
A trigger that will be controlled by the robot entering/leaving a point towards zone
Path following controller for holonomic drive trains
Utility class for sending data to the PathPlanner app via NT4
LTV following controller
Configuration class describing everything that needs to be known about the robot to generate
A target holonomic rotation at a position along a path
Event that will schedule a command within the EventScheduler
Extension of a SwerveModuleState to include its field-relative position and angle
A setpoint for a swerve drivetrain, containing robot-relative chassis speeds and individual
module states
Swerve setpoint generator based on a version created by FRC team 254.
Event for setting the value of an event trigger
Class used to describe a waypoint for a Bezier curve based path